Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Los Angeles Stopover

Greetings! I made it to L.A., but not without delays. The lavoratory was malfunctioning in Philadelphia, so our flight left late. An hour into our flight, I heard the pilot say "Is there a doctor in the house?" First time I have heard that. Some elderly gentleman was having heart problems - but he seemed OK. The medics came to take him to the hospital when we arrived in LA. I then took a shuttle bus to the Raddison LA Airport, and enjoyed the ambiance of L.A. You can feel the energy! Largest airport I have ever seen. The T.V. morning shows are even different! It's like watching the Today Show with rap music! The sun is shining brightly this morning, and I am off to the airport to fly to Hawaii soon. Cheers for now - for those students checking my Blog - STUDY FOR YOUR REGENTS!!!!!!!! I expect you all to pass! Love - DLP

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